How to Get Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) In Singapore (2024)

The FIRE movement has risen in popularity over the years. Fed up with high-pressure jobs, long hours and still being left with barely enough at the end of the day, some people are quitting their jobs and embracing the FIRE movement.

Read also: 9 Part Time Jobs You Can Do From Home in Singapore

What is FIRE?

FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early.

The goal of FIRE is to achieve financial independence earlier than the retirement age, which is 62 years in Singapore. By financial independence, we mean having enough passive income to cover your living expenses without having to be employed or dependent on others.

Followers of the FIRE movement live frugally so they can save more when they’re young. These extra savings then go into investment accounts, where the magic of compounding does the rest of the work.

Some people practice “lean FIRE” (a lifestyle of extreme frugality) while others embrace “fat FIRE” (a more extravagant standard of living). Still others practice “barista FIRE” (typically by working part-time where there are company benefits to lean on, like at Starbucks).

How Do You Achieve FIRE?

Much of the conversation on FIRE revolves around hacking your finances by increasing your savings rate, travelling cheap, saving on daily purchases and more.

Generally, the formula for FIRE is to save aggressively and invest passively. FIRE followers maximise their savings rate by finding ways to increase their income or reduce their expenses. The goal is to accumulate wealth-generating assets until your passive income provides enough money for living expenses.

When FIRE followers reach financial independence, a job or paid work becomes an optional part of life, allowing you to retire from work much earlier than the standard retirement age. For most Singaporeans, that ideal retirement age is between 40 to 50 years old.

But how do you even get started? The next section will cover actionable steps.

8 Practical Steps Toward Financial Independence

1. Calculate Your Retirement Needs

Based on your current monthly expenses, you can extrapolate how much you’ll need for financial independence using the 4% withdrawal rule.

The 4% rule states that you can safely withdraw up to 4% from your investment account every year because the average market returns will replenish what you took out. Using that guideline, you can live off your investments without ever running out of money.

So let’s say you currently spend about $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year. To get that amount from your investments, you’d need an asset portfolio of at least $600,000.

You can also use tools such as CPF’s retirement calculator for this step, though you’ll still need to have an idea of how much you spend.

2. Grow Your Savings Rate

How to Get Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) In Singapore (1)

The biggest determiner of how quickly you’ll reach financial independence isn’t how much you save — it’s your savings rate.

What’s the difference?

Let’s imagine you earn $60,000 per year and spend about $42,000. That leaves you $18,000 in savings per year, or a savings rate of 30%.

After doing up your calculations, you realise you need $1,050,000 to retire on a safe 4% withdrawal rate. You already invest your savings and have a decent portfolio, so you’re on track to hitting financial independence in about 14 years.

One day, your boss tells you that you’ve been promoted. Hurray! The promotion also comes with a pay raise, so you now earn $72,000 a year. The extra income means you think you can splurge, so you maintain your $18,000 in savings per year and spend the surplus.

The problem? Thanks to the lifestyle inflation, you now spend $54,000 a year. Achieving financial independence means you need $1,350,000 to maintain the same lifestyle. That will take you four more years, moving the financial independence goalpost to 18 years total.

If you had kept your expenses at $42,000 and grown your savings rate instead, you’d have been able to shave off two years from that original timeline.

Read also: 5 Best High-Interest Savings Accounts for Singapore (2022)

3. Set Aside an Emergency Fund

As a rule of thumb, we’d recommend setting aside six months’ worth of expenses even before you start investing. That gives you a buffer in case of unforeseen circ*mstances like a job loss, medical emergency, or unexpected big ticket expenses.

Some even go further and put away six to 12 months of income, but we wouldn’t recommend this. In Singapore, bank interest rates for savings accounts are dismal — meaning your money would hardly be doing any work for you. If you’d still prefer a bigger buffer, it’s better to plop your cash into a more liquid investment vehicle.

4. Remove Debt

How to Get Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) In Singapore (2)

At the heart of the FIRE movement is growing your savings and having minimal to no debt. So start the ball rolling by paying off any debts you may have. If you have multiple debts, think about whether you want to pay off the one with the lowest balance first for a quick win, or tackle the account with the highest interest rate.

Home loans might be the sole exception here. The annual interest rate for a mortgage is around 2%. In contrast, a dividend-yielding stock (like REITs) might give you 5 – 8% per year. That means putting your spare cash into dividend stocks would generate enough income to pay off your home loan interest and still leave you with extra.

5. Budget…After Understanding What Brings You Satisfaction

Budgeting doesn’t sound fun to most people for one good reason: it’s inherently restrictive. Like a crash diet that eliminates whole food groups, anything that feels limiting is hard to sustain in the long run.

We’d prefer a different method: tracking your expenses for a month or two while spending as you usually would. This gives you a good sense of where your money is going, which then allows you to break down and better analyze the spending categories by what brings you satisfaction.

For example, I used to spend $6 every day on a latte, which added up to roughly $180 a month. But it wasn’t so much the coffee I enjoyed — it was the time I spent chatting with my co-workers during our breaks.

I realised I could get the same enjoyment even if I made my own coffee, so I started buying coffee beans and brought my grinder and Aeropress to work. That one change saved me $160 a month.

6. Choose Quality Over Quantity

How to Get Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) In Singapore (3)

While it might be tempting to scrimp and save every cent, you can stretch every dollar further by focusing on quality over quantity. For example, buying a slightly more expensive refrigerator that will last 15 years is better than getting a cheap one that breaks down after five years.

7. Invest

Investing is the best way to make your money work for you so you don’t have to work for money. This doesn’t mean just buying stocks, though — you could also invest in other assets like bonds, gold, property, or even cryptocurrency if you have the risk appetite for it.

Besides applying for a brokerage account, consider opening a Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) account with a bank of your choice. This gives you tax relief for every dollar you put into the account along with the ability to invest SRS funds.

The one caveat is that you’ll have to wait until the statutory retirement age to withdraw your funds with tax concessions — and the retirement age moves up every so often.

Retirement products from insurers can also provide a stream of income even before you turn 65, depending on the starting payout ages of each policy.

But before you look to invest, factor these incoming Central Provident Fund (CPF) payouts into your planning:

CPF Retirement Account: At age 55, Singaporeans and Permanent Residents will be able to withdraw your savings from your CPF, provided you’ve set aside your Full Retirement Sum in your CPF Retirement Account.

CPF LIFE: In Singapore, CPF LIFE is an annuity scheme that provides you with a lifelong monthly payout starting from age 65. The amount is between $500 to over $2,000, depending on the amount you’ve saved in your Retirement account. That’s a pretty sweet deal, in our opinion.

Top-up CPF Retirement Sum: CPF combines savings from your Special Account and Ordinary Account to form your Retirement Account when you turn 55. One way to build up your nest egg now is to make voluntary contributions to your CPF Special Account. This way, you can earn interest of at least 4% per annum, not to mention the tax relief of up to $14,000 per year (on your own and your spouse’s account).

HDB Lease Buyback Scheme: Under this national scheme, homeowners can unlock the value of their flats and receive a stream of income in their retirement years even as they continue living in it.

Basically, you sell a part of your flat’s lease (while retaining the length of lease based on the age of the youngest owner) in exchange for more payouts. The proceeds will be used to top up your CPF Retirement Account. You can then use this to join CPF LIFE.

Read also: 5 Investment Tips for Beginners in Singapore

8. Don’t Quit Your Day Job (Yet)

As tempting as it is, don’t quit yet. FIRE requires you to maximise your income while minimising costs. Some people may quit because they can’t stand their day jobs. If that’s the case, you can consider alternative employment through part-time, freelance, or contract work for some flexibility.

With these basic tips, you can get started on your road to financial independence. Each approach may be better suited for some more than others. So take some time to consider whether each tip suits your personal circ*mstances, risk appetite and goals.

Read also: A Guide to Part-Time Jobs for Students 16 Years and Above

Analysis of User Request:

Based on the user's request, it seems that they are interested in learning more about the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement. They are looking for an introduction to the topic, an explanation of what FIRE is, how to achieve it, and practical steps to take towards financial independence. The user appears to have a beginner level of knowledge about the topic and is seeking a comprehensive response with actionable advice.

Search Results:

  1. Title: "What is FIRE? The Ultimate Guide to Financial Independence and Retire Early"

    • This article provides a detailed explanation of the FIRE movement, including its definition, principles, and strategies for achieving financial independence and early retirement.
    • It covers topics such as saving aggressively, investing passively, calculating retirement needs, growing savings rate, setting aside an emergency fund, removing debt, budgeting, choosing quality over quantity, and investing in various assets.
    • The article also discusses retirement products like CPF (Central Provident Fund) in Singapore and the HDB Lease Buyback Scheme.
    • This source seems to be highly relevant and comprehensive, covering all the concepts mentioned in the user's request.
  2. Title: "The FIRE Movement: How to Retire Early"

    • This article provides an overview of the FIRE movement, its principles, and steps to achieve financial independence and early retirement.
    • It discusses the importance of saving aggressively, reducing expenses, and investing wisely.
    • The article also mentions the 4% withdrawal rule, emergency funds, and the concept of lean FIRE.
    • While this source covers some of the concepts mentioned in the user's request, it may not provide as much detail as the first source.
  3. Title: "Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE): A Step-by-Step Guide"

    • This article offers a step-by-step guide to achieving financial independence and early retirement through the FIRE movement.
    • It covers topics such as calculating retirement needs, growing savings rate, setting aside an emergency fund, removing debt, budgeting, and investing.
    • The article also discusses the importance of tracking expenses and making conscious spending choices.
    • This source seems to be relevant and provides a detailed guide to the concepts mentioned in the user's request.


The FIRE movement has gained popularity in recent years as individuals seek financial independence and early retirement. By following the principles of FIRE, individuals aim to achieve financial independence before the traditional retirement age. Let's explore the concepts related to the FIRE movement and how to work towards financial independence.

What is FIRE? FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. The goal of FIRE is to achieve financial independence earlier than the standard retirement age. Financial independence means having enough passive income to cover living expenses without being employed or dependent on others [[1]].

How Do You Achieve FIRE? To achieve FIRE, individuals focus on saving aggressively and investing passively. By maximizing their savings rate, they accumulate wealth-generating assets that generate passive income to cover living expenses. Here are some practical steps to work towards financial independence:

  1. Calculate Your Retirement Needs: Determine your retirement needs based on your current monthly expenses. The 4% withdrawal rule suggests that you can safely withdraw up to 4% from your investment account annually, assuming average market returns will replenish what you took out. Calculate the asset portfolio needed to support your desired lifestyle [[1]].

  2. Grow Your Savings Rate: Your savings rate plays a crucial role in reaching financial independence. Increasing your savings rate by finding ways to increase income or reduce expenses can significantly accelerate your journey towards FIRE. Focus on maintaining a high savings rate to accumulate wealth-generating assets [[1]].

  3. Set Aside an Emergency Fund: Before investing, it's essential to have an emergency fund. Aim to set aside six months' worth of expenses to provide a buffer in case of unforeseen circ*mstances like job loss or medical emergencies [[1]].

  4. Remove Debt: Minimizing debt is a fundamental principle of the FIRE movement. Prioritize paying off debts, starting with those with the highest interest rates. However, home loans with low-interest rates may be an exception, as investing spare cash may generate higher returns [[1]].

  5. Budget After Understanding What Brings You Satisfaction: Rather than following strict budgets, track your expenses for a month or two to understand where your money is going. Identify spending categories that bring you satisfaction and find ways to optimize your spending. For example, making your own coffee instead of buying it daily can lead to significant savings [[1]].

  6. Choose Quality Over Quantity: While it may be tempting to save every cent, focusing on quality over quantity can be more beneficial in the long run. Investing in durable, high-quality items can save money in the long term by avoiding frequent replacements [[1]].

  7. Invest: Investing is a key component of the FIRE strategy. Consider investing in various assets such as stocks, bonds, gold, property, or even cryptocurrency, depending on your risk appetite. Opening a Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) account and considering retirement products like CPF LIFE can also provide additional income streams [[1]].

  8. Don't Quit Your Day Job (Yet): While the ultimate goal of FIRE is early retirement, it's important to maximize your income while minimizing costs. Consider alternative employment options like part-time, freelance, or contract work for flexibility [[1]].

Remember, each approach may be better suited to different individuals based on their personal circ*mstances, risk appetite, and goals. It's important to tailor your FIRE journey to your specific situation.


The FIRE movement offers a path to financial independence and early retirement. By saving aggressively, investing wisely, and making conscious financial choices, individuals can work towards achieving their financial goals. Remember to calculate your retirement needs, grow your savings rate, set aside an emergency fund, remove debt, budget based on satisfaction, choose quality over quantity, invest wisely, and consider alternative employment options. Start your journey towards financial independence today!

How to Get Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) In Singapore (2024)


How to do FIRE financial independence retire early? ›

The Roadmap to Early Retirement
  1. Step 1: Get out of debt and finish your emergency fund. ...
  2. Step 2: Invest 15% into tax-advantaged retirement accounts. ...
  3. Step 3: Pay off your mortgage early. ...
  4. Step 4: Invest beyond 15%—max out your retirement accounts. ...
  5. Step 5: Build a bridge account—open a taxable investment account.
Feb 1, 2024

How much do you need to retire early in Singapore? ›

Estimates suggest you'll need around S$1.5 to S$3 million in savings to comfortably retire in Singapore. Retirement Age: The official retirement age in Singapore is 62, but many people aim for an "early" retirement around 55-60 years old.

What is the FIRE formula for early retirement? ›

The first and most popular equation is: FIRE number = 25 x your annual expenses. This formula is based on the Trinity Study, the better-known name for a 1998 paper titled “Retirement Savings: Choosing a Withdrawal Rate that is Sustainable” published by three finance professors at Trinity University.

How much do you need for financial independence retire early? ›

According to the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement, you need to have 25 times your annual expenses in investments.

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Boost your workplace retirement contributions

Saving more each month in your 401(k) or other tax-advantaged retirement plan can help you get to early retirement faster while reducing your taxable income.

What is the 3 rule in retirement? ›

The 3% rule in retirement says you can withdraw 3% of your retirement savings a year and avoid running out of money. Historically, retirement planners recommended withdrawing 4% per year (the 4% rule). However, 3% is now considered a better target due to inflation, lower portfolio yields, and longer lifespans.

Is $1 million enough to retire in Singapore? ›

The report also indicates that mass affluent individuals1 in Singapore estimate they need US$936,000 (about S$1.3 million) for a comfortable retirement, reflecting both the financial goals and aspirations of a demographic seeking stability and fulfilment in their post-working years.

Can I retire with 300k in Singapore? ›

Based on the average monthly expenditure of $1,379, we can estimate that the average retiree will need around $330,960 to cover their expenses for 20 years. Warning: This is a rough estimate based on the Singapore retirement age.

How to retire early in Singapore? ›

To retire early, you'll likely need a larger nest egg to supplement your longer years in unemployment. In addition, factors such as lifestyle, desired monthly payouts, retirement age and the number of years you expect to receive those monthly payouts must be considered to determine your retirement sum.

What is the 95% rule retirement? ›

Under the Rule of 95, members can retire when their age plus their years of service equal 95 provided that they are at least 62 years old. For example, a member who is 62 years old could retire with 33 years of service rather than waiting until their schedule-based eligibility date (62 + 33 = 95).

What is the 25x rule for early retirement? ›

If you want to be sure you're saving enough for retirement, the 25x rule can help. This rule of thumb says investors should have saved 25 times their planned annual expenses by the time they retire, according to brokerage Charles Schwab.

What is the 4x rule for retirement? ›

Key Takeaways. The 4% rule says people should withdraw 4% of their retirement funds in the first year after retiring and take that dollar amount, adjusted for inflation, every year after. The rule seeks to establish a steady and safe income stream that will meet a retiree's current and future financial needs.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

One example is the $1,000/month rule. Created by Wes Moss, a Certified Financial Planner, this strategy helps individuals visualize how much savings they should have in retirement. According to Moss, you should plan to have $240,000 saved for every $1,000 of disposable income in retirement.

What is the 4% rule for financial independence? ›

The 4% rule limits annual withdrawals from your retirement accounts to 4% of the total balance in your first year of retirement. That means if you retire with $1 million saved, you'd take out $40,000. According to the rule, this amount is safe enough that you won't risk running out of money during a 30-year retirement.

What is the 5% rule for retirement? ›

The sustainable withdrawal rate is the estimated percentage of savings you're able to withdraw each year throughout retirement without running out of money. As an estimate, aim to withdraw no more than 4% to 5% of your savings in the first year of retirement, then adjust that amount every year for inflation.

What is the FIRE retirement rule of 25? ›

The Rule of 25

One rule that experts recommend using to calculate your FIRE number is the so-called “rule of 25.” This is a “magic number” that determines your readiness to retire by multiplying your anticipated annual expenses by 25, said Steve Sexton, CEO of Sexton Advisory Group.

What is the 4% rule FIRE? ›

The 4% rule says people should withdraw 4% of their retirement funds in the first year after retiring and take that dollar amount, adjusted for inflation, every year after. The rule seeks to establish a steady and safe income stream that will meet a retiree's current and future financial needs.


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